Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Old Party Girl She Ain't What She Used To Be

     I was picked up in a limo an whisked off to Washington D.C. this weekend. The three week kickoff, apparently, to my 50th birthday. Sadly, I am not the girl I used to be. My heart was willing to give it a go but the old body just couldn't deliver!
     K & K (we'll keep it simple to protect all those concerned) arrived at my front door shortly at three p.m. on Friday, they popped open a bottle of champagne and we sat back and enjoyed the forty minute ride.
     Dinner, from what I was told, was fabulous. I made it through the appetizers and decided enough was enough, it was time for bed. Honestly, I don't remember falling asleep at the table. In my defense, I was running on four hours of sleep. K&K, good friends that they are, had the entrees packed and shuttled me back to the hotel.
     And let's talk about those appetizers for a minute. For three weeks I had been strictly adhering to the South Beach diet. Good little doobie that I am, I didn't cheat, not one little bit. South Beach, for those not familiar, is a modified low carb plan; lots of fresh veggies and lean proteins, no bad fats or sugar. The appetizers, of which I had very little, happened to be extremely rich. Have you ever had Cuttle Fish? Me neither. All I remember is that it came back to visit me the next morning in a very nasty manner. Both ends...disgusting.
     The good news is for the rest of the weekend there was absolutely no desire to cheat on my diet. The thought of alcohol repulsed me and I finally managed to scarf down some poached eggs and ham by this morning.
     There is an upside to intestinal weight gain!


  1. I was on the South Beach diet too and no they don't tell you the real reason you can lose 30 pounds in a month. You may be disgusted now but in a month you will look like you are 30 again!

  2. Ha! Well, I don't know about 30...but I'll gladly settle for 40!
