Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Children: The New and the Old(er).

Congrats and much love to my brother and sister-in-law on the newest addition to our family. A new niece has been added to the fold, and like all newborns she is absolutely precious. I love babies because, to me, their needs are so simple; feed me, change me, hold me. Life at it's easiest and most basic, as far as I'm concerned.
And then, they start growing and eventually learn to talk and think.
At some point, if we parents are lucky, they will learn some common sense and understand there are so many ways to make their lives easier, not more difficult. Sadly, for some children, this takes years, and years, and years to comprehend.
Let's take my little darling, for example. I love the girl, and lately I've been trying like heck to figure out her mindset, aside from the fact that she's in the throes of the teenage years.
Last night, she handed me some paperwork from her Geometry teacher that needed my signature. Two dismal quiz grades. Not the end of the world, but her teacher noted that my darling daughter had not been coming in for any extra help in order to improve her grade.

"Do you know when Ms. N is available to help you?" I asked.
"Yes, she has free time after school," said daughter.
"Why aren't you getting help?"
"I was going to go this afternoon," she said, "but I have detention."

"Why...?" I could feel a cluster headache simmering in the back of my brain.
"I wasn't wearing my nametag. It's broken."
"Well for the love of God, go buy a new tag." If I'm lucky, I thought, maybe this headache will segue into an aneurysm and kill me before she graduates.
"You know, I thought about doing that but I didn't feel like climbing all those stairs to the third floor office."

Give me a drooling baby with a stinky diaper any day. Much easier.

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